And i wonder... are there girls in the world like me?

Welcome to the homepage of my Rapunzel fan page and personal blog. In the header you will find a link to my blog labeled ‘personal page’. Click ‘homepage’ to get back to this page. To your right is a column that will direct you to books, soundtracks, artwork, and more! Right click these links and select ‘open in new tab’ if you don’t want this tab to close. That art of Rapuzel in the header was drawn by my friend Naka (he's the best) and the rest of the header art was drawn by me using procreate. Everything linked is stuff I've compiled off the internet for the sake of sharing

Pictured above are two commissions I paid for. To the left is Eugene and Rapuzel drawn by Miutonium and the right is Rapunzel drawn by Hukiboukerryy.

All rights reserved. Design by joe at